Membership Information
Become a member for just $20!
Members can be any individual, group, company, organization or entity involved in or supportive of the Yukon music sector.
Membership is an annual payment and can be made online by credit card.
Your membership will renew automatically each year until cancelled.
As a Music Yukon member, you get:
- Access to Music Weekly, Music Yukon's weekly newsletter, with important funding deadlines, local events, industry announcements, as well as member and sector activities;
- Prioritized listings and features in Music Weekly;
- Assistance and consultations for marketing and business plans;
- Information on and assistance with funding applications for FACTOR, Yukon Media Development, and other national and regional music industry programs and services;
- Access to potential showcasing support for export ready artists (ie. Breakout West, Folk Alliance International, etc.);
- Support in connecting with national industry professionals and opportunities;
- Membership with Western Canadian Music Alliance (WCMA) plus a vote in the Western Canadian Music Awards (WCMA’s);
- Access to National Campus and Community Radio (NCRA)’s earshot! national digital distribution system;
- Registration discounts for Music Yukon workshops and seminars;
- Discounts with national partners, such as hotel chains; and
- A vote at Annual General Meetings and Special General Meetings (if a membership is held by a band or organization, the membership is entitled to a single vote.)
Become a Music Yukon Member